- 产品教程
- 2007-09-15
- 128热度
- 0评论
l 程序说明
l 代码
Private Sub AddTextFile(ByVal sFilePath As String, ByVal sFileName As String)
Dim pWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory
Dim pWorkspace As IWorkspace
Dim pFeatureWorkspace As IFeatureWorkspace
Dim pTable As ITable
Dim sDir As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
sDir = Dir(sFilePath & sFileName & ".txt")
If (sDir = "") Then
MsgBox (sFileName & ".txt" & " 文件不存在")
Exit Sub
End If
'Get the ITable from the geodatabase
Set pWorkspaceFactory = New TextFileWorkspaceFactory
Set pWorkspace = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(sFilePath, 0)
Set pFeatureWorkspace = pWorkspace
Set pTable = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable(sFileName & ".txt")
'Add the table
Add_Table_TOC pTable
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub AddDBASEFile(ByVal sFilePath As String, ByVal sFileName As String)
Dim pWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory
Dim pWorkspace As IWorkspace
Dim pFeatureWorkspace As IFeatureWorkspace
Dim pTable As ITable
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
'Get the ITable from the geodatabase
Set pWorkspaceFactory = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactory
Set pWorkspace = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(sFilePath, 0)
Set pFeatureWorkspace = pWorkspace
Set pTable = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable(sFileName)
'Add the table
Add_Table_TOC pTable
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub Add_Table_TOC(pTable As ITable)
Dim pDoc As IMxDocument
Dim pMap As IMap
Dim pStandaloneTable As IStandaloneTable
Dim pStandaloneTableC As IStandaloneTableCollection
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
Set pDoc = ThisDocument
Set pMap = pDoc.FocusMap
'Create a new standalone table and add it
'to the collection of the focus map
Set pStandaloneTable = New StandaloneTable
Set pStandaloneTable.Table = pTable
Set pStandaloneTableC = pMap
pStandaloneTableC.AddStandaloneTable pStandaloneTable
'Refresh the TOC
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub UIButtonControl1_Click()
Dim pVBProject As VBProject
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
Set pVBProject = ThisDocument.VBProject
'Add text file to ArcMap. Dont include .txt extension
AddTextFile pVBProject.FileName & "........" & "data", "Continents"
'Add dBASE file to ArcMap
AddDBASEFile pVBProject.FileName & "........" & "data", "Continents"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub